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Numerology game

In the Indian tradition, nine basic numbers from 1 to 9 are of great importance. Each of these numbers corresponds to a number of basic characteristics that contain clues to understanding how the subtle life force manifests in the physical world. This teaching was brought to the West by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who studied the Arabic version of Indian numerology.

In fact, numbers are needed not only for counting: they also give an idea of the countless number of forces-ideas that manifest themselves through the human consciousness and the world of phenomena. They help the human mind to understand the ideas underlying the world perceived by the senses. In this beginningless creation there is neither first nor last, for all is one. The numbers themselves appear only with the beginning of evolution, only to disappear again when the world dissolves in its source. Everything that exists is located in creation in accordance with its number, each phenomenon or object is part of the whole (Brahman, Higher Consciousness) that manifests itself. The whole has no limits, no number, it is incalculable, it is zero, shunya (emptiness), non-Being, which is the beginning of Lila, the cosmic game. In the beginning there is a separation of Being from Non-Being. Sound comes first, nada. Sound has two aspects - vibration and rhythm. Vibration represents energy in its primary vortex form, while rhythm, in turn, is a pattern of vibrations perceived in a linear form. Vibration creates space and rhythm creates time. Each vibration is characterized by a wavelength, and this wavelength exists in time, since time is a measure of its length: the wavelength is the time from its beginning to its end.

Plato saw in numbers the essence of harmony, and in harmony - the basis of the cosmos and man. The French writer Balzac called numbers "incomprehensible phenomena." According to him, the differences between all kinds of existing forms lie in the difference in their properties, quantities, sizes, forces, characteristics and nature. These differences are not in essence, but in the material content, organized in various ways. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that these methods differ only quantitatively. A copper atom differs from a gold atom only in the number of particles it contains.

Leela's game board is built in accordance with the basic principle of numerology. It is a numerologically balanced, perfect rectangle. It consists of eight horizontal rows that go from bottom to top. Eight is the number of the manifested universe (prakriti), which consists of five great elements (mahabhut) - ether, air, fire, water and earth - and three forces: mind, intellect and ego (manas, buddhi and ahamkara, respectively). The board also contains nine vertical rows. Nine is the number of the Absolute, the Supreme Consciousness (eight, corresponding to prakriti, plus one - consciousness). Nine completes the series of fundamental numbers from which all other numbers are built, and thus nine is the number of completion. So, the board of the cosmic game consists of seventy-two squares-fields. If 72 is reduced to one digit, it will be, again, nine (7 + 2 = 9).

In the serpentine motion of the game, each horizontal row begins with a number that numerologically reduces to 1 and ends with a number that reduces to 9. For example, the second horizontal row begins with 10 (1 + 0 = 1) and ends with the number 18 (1 + 8 = 9). In addition, each horizontal row contains nine numbers, which, when summed, give the number 9. The sum of the first row is 45 (4 + 5 = 9), the second - 126 (1 + 2 + 6 = 9), the third - 207 (2 + 0 + 7 = 9), etc.

Each vertical row (column), except for the central one, contains fields whose numbers are reduced to one of the two main numbers. The first contains cells 18 (1 + 8 = 9), 19 (1 + 9 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1), 36 (9), 37 (1), 54 (9), 55 (1), 72 (9 ). The second column gives twos and eights, the third - threes and sevens, the fourth - fours and sixes, the fifth is an exception - it contains only fives. Starting from the next row, the order is reversed (sixes and fours, sevens and threes, etc.). So, all columns, with the exception of the middle one, contain two numbers, which, when added together, give 1. The central column, the equilibrium row, contains fives, and two fives give 10, that is, again, 1. In addition, the sum of each column is 292, which comes down to 4 (2+9+2=13; 1+3=4), the number of intelligent organization and tangible achievement.