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Plan 14. Astral Plane (Bhuvar Loka)

Bhuvar-loka is a plane following the physical and closely related to it, but consisting of more subtle matter. In the description of bhu-loka (the fifth square in the first row), we have already explained that there are seven basic planes, or lokas, reflecting the state of being or the degree of development of the personality. At the level of bhuvar-loka, as well as in the second chakra, the element of water dominates. Just as in the human body the second chakra is located just above the first along the spine, the astral plane is located immediately above the physical on the “spinal column” of the playing board.

This is the plane of dreams, fantasies and soaring imagination. The player who gets here is aware of the incredible diversity of the world around him. Before him unfolds a picture of various possibilities and goals that he could achieve. This awareness encourages the player to become more involved in life. His material needs related to the first chakra are satisfied, and now he sees that life is much more interesting and varied than he could imagine, being preoccupied with earning a livelihood.

Now he is financially secure, his success is undoubted. So on a wave of self-confidence, his creative imagination is released. However, fantasies require more energy than any other human activity. The player directs all his resources to building castles in the air. He seeks to break away from physical reality in the pursuit of pleasure, in pleasure and identification with different groups of people. While the vibrations of the player are at this level, the main motivating force in his life remains the enjoyment of the work of the senses. This is the "wine, women and songs" plan. Sexuality becomes the main means of self-expression, which is accompanied by a huge loss of vital energy.

The player is surrounded by sensations, emotions, ideas and various shades of meaning, which he uses as the basis for his fantasies. From here, from the second chakra, all kinds of creativity originate, their driving force is fantasy.

The astral plane is a dimension of psychic space located between earth and heaven. The player has already overcome the earthly plane, and his fantasy gives him an idea of heaven. The danger lies in the fact that fantasies take the player away from reality, draining his energy, and may remain unfulfilled.