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Plan 24. Bad company (ku-sang-loka)

In search of a self-identification characteristic of the third chakra, the player is looking for a group of other people who can support him. He realizes that alone he is too weak to achieve his plans, and he is looking for others following a similar path to create a group of like-minded people.

If his vibrations are unfavorable, he falls into the society of people who deviate from the laws of Dharma in their actions. This is "bad company", and the player stung by the snake returns to the first chakra in the field of vanity.

In such a society, the bad character traits of the player are either ignored or, even worse, praised. The force generated by the group serves as a breeding ground for the player's ego and self-importance. Thinking that his actions are in accordance with the Dharma, he constantly deceives himself. And the more he deviates, the stronger his conceit becomes. Soon he may find that he is again at the level of the first chakra and must seek purification or entertainment.

In bad company, the opinion is usually maintained that the cause of personal problems is the surrounding people or society. The most striking example are groups of terrorists who resort to any means to achieve their goals. Justifying their actions with lofty goals, they only mislead each other. They think that killing certain people can satisfy their desires. They blindly believe that their goals are the only right goals for everyone. This deviation from the Dharma is a gross abuse of power, one of the main problems at the level of the third chakra. Association with bad company is an adharma that leads to downfall. Only by carefully following the principles of the Dharma can the player avoid this trap.