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Plan 61 Negative Intelligence (durbuddhi)

If the player does not follow the laws of Dharma, doubting the cosmic nature of being and the divine presence in his every experience, he is bitten by the snake of negative intelligence, dropping him down to the plane of insignificance.

He can neither connect with the lower planes nor invoke the Dharma for help. Now he has to go through all the planes of vibrations related to the second chakra, unless the arrows of compassion and charity help. If he does not use these arrows, he will have to redeem his negativity (box 21 - redemption) and find the Dharma again, or choose a completely new course of action.

Buddhi, the intellect, is both a great trap and a great means of liberation. Durbuddhi is a downward whirlpool that sucks psychic energy back to the plane of imagination.

Durbuddhi represents negative evaluations in the player, causing him to refuse the opportunities provided to him. To achieve his goal, the player must learn to accept whatever the world offers him. If he denies any aspect of the situation, if he doubts the presence of God in any object and any situation, he thereby denies the existence of God. Because the Divine is all reality. Everything is a manifestation of the One. Durbuddhi is negation, negation of the Divine.

That is why the player who has become his victim falls into nothingness. All his energies have been exhausted in his denial of God, he finds himself in a void. Until he can accept what he denied, until he discovers the Dharma again, he has no hope of liberation.

However, insignificance is a temporary state. Only Cosmic Consciousness is absolute and permanent. If the player reaches the seventh chakra again, their forced banishment to nothingness may give them an inner need to maintain a positive intellect and avoid the jaws of this snake.