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Plan 67. Cosmic Benefit Plan (Rudra-loka)

Rudra is one of the names of Shiva. All creation goes through three phases. The manifestation is accompanied by the maintenance of the emerging form and inevitably ends with disintegration or destruction. These three processes - creation, maintenance (preservation) and destruction - are carried out by the three forces of the Almighty, created by no one, but creating everything. From his will were born the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). These three forces are interdependent and interconnected. Creation takes place by the will of the Lord, by his will the created is preserved and finally destroyed. Without the destruction of false self-identification - the concept of a separate reality, individual ego - true union (yoga) is impossible. Thus, Shiva, destroying the false ego, connects the individual consciousness with its cosmic source.

In the material world, Rudra, the lord of the south side of the world, is an angry manifestation of Shiva. He is known under the name Rudra, as he was born from the cry (ores) of the Creator-Brahma. By his grace, mortals live and enjoy the divine game, creating and destroying, accumulating and working out their karma in the material world.

The word Shiva means "good" or "good", good for all. He is a cosmic good, an alchemical process that transforms magnetic energy into electrical energy, sending it back to the source. The completion of the evolution of individual consciousness takes place here, in the abode of Rudra. Only one step separates the player from the union with the Cosmic Consciousness. On this plane, the final cleansing takes place. It is beyond the material world and consists of the same element as ananda-loka, the plane of bliss.

Knowledge, feeling and action are the three characteristics of human consciousness. Knowledge of what? Truth. What feeling? Beautiful. What are the actions? Leading to the common good. For the participants in the game, these three are the highest good of human existence. The good (being) is sat, the truth is chit, and the beautiful is ananda: together you get Sachchidananda. Following the path of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram - truth, goodness and beauty, the player becomes Satchidananda. These three aspects of consciousness are also known as bindu, bija and nada and are revered in the forms of the three primary deities: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Actions for the benefit of all require right knowledge. The possession of such knowledge leads the player to experience the cosmic good directly from the level of the fifth chakra. The player who reaches this point no longer resists the flow of Dharma. He simply does his job, responding to the impulses of cosmic forces that come to him.

Rudra-loka is one of the three central squares of the top row of the playing board, where the divine forces responsible for all creation are located, with which everyone who seeks liberation strives to unite. The pursuit of correct knowledge leads the player to the seat of Shiva. Here he comes to the realization of the cosmic good, the essence of which is truth, and the form is beauty.