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Plan 27. Selfless service (paramartha)

If charity involves actions performed from time to time, then selfless service is a permanent position, a way of being. Paramartha is living without caring for oneself in harmony with the outside world, doing what needs to be done while maintaining awareness of the current moment.

Param means "supreme" and artha is the goal for which the action is performed. Everything that is done for the sake of a higher goal is paramartha. Higher can mean God or some other idea to which the player has decided to dedicate his life. Selfless service is giving up oneself for a higher purpose.

When the player begins to understand his role in the performance and realize that the individual self is meant to serve as a tool for the realization of the Supreme, everything that he does ceases to concern him. He just fulfills his duties, doing what is provided for by his role in the game. He does not know what the result of these actions will be. Fulfilling his duty without thinking about his rights or possible reward, he becomes selfless, and then all his actions turn into paramartha.

Life at this level is possible only when the player understands that rights follow duties, and reward is the fruit of action. Rights and rewards are only by-products of the game, not its purpose. As long as the player is in a physical body equipped with organs of action, karma is inevitable. He can only make a choice: to care about reward and punishment, honor and humiliation - or to devote his life to understanding the laws and nature of the game, without worrying about what is happening, continuing to fulfill his duties.

No one can guarantee rewards: countless factors influence the outcome of any case. If the player is free from hopes and desires, every moment is an achievement for him. Freed from the false attitude of gain and loss, he achieves selfless service, and the arrow carries him upward to the human plane. Performing one's duties in the proper manner, giving up one's self for what needs to be done, leads to loss of identity, which is the main problem of the third chakra. Individuality ceases to exist as a separate unit, becoming part of a larger whole. Examples of such ministry can be found in various organizations that are manifestations of the heavenly plan. Selfless Service is the last square on the third row of the game board, representing the third chakra. From here the player rises to the plane of balance, the plane of faith and devotion.