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Plan 57. Air plane (vayu loka)

Vayu loka (literally "air plane") is located in the area of ​​satya loka, the plane of reality, in the seventh row of the playing board. This vayu is not the wind or air found on the physical or earthly plane. This is the essence of the physical element air.

The ruler of this plane is Marut, one of the incarnations of Indra, the lord of heaven (Indra is the one who has achieved complete control over his sensual nature). Vayu Loka is a plane where the player becomes a stream of energy with which the entire atmosphere moves, overcoming gravity. Enlightened souls with light bodies live here, who have not yet reached Satya Loka - the plane of reality. The vayu-loka player has already made his transition through Omkara and has reached, due to his karma, higher modes of vibration. In Indian mythology, there are also Maruts - friends and brothers of Indra, who control the atmosphere of the physical plane. They bring rain and fill the earth with vitality. They become pranic energy on the physical plane and the breath of life of breathing souls. Air is synonymous with movement inside and outside the body. All movements of fluids within living organisms are due to air. Air is the essence of life. Thus, air exists everywhere. The inhabitant of vayu loka, being himself the life force, the breath of life, has a quality that is also inherent in the sixth chakra (as discussed below): he can spread his presence to any place or to several places at the same time. Now he can dissolve the essence of his being, the ego, take on a gaseous form and soar on the plane of gases.

In the sixth chakra we have met the plane of liquids, but the liquid still has form. Gas, on the other hand, has no definite shape. A liquid has weight, a gas does not. The player is no longer burdened by anything, he has acquired true freedom of action. He becomes a being that is not subject to gravity and has no form.