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Plan 19. Plan of karma (karma-loka)

This plane, the plane of action (karma), opens the third row of the game board, corresponding to the third chakra. Only one desire remains with us everywhere and at all times, and that is the desire for satisfaction. All the rest are only reflections of this basic desire: the desire for completion, self-realization. So, no matter what level the player is at, he will strive for satisfaction - and at that level. In the first two chakras, this desire manifests itself as a desire for money and sex. In the third chakra, self-identification (ego) and the achievement of power become the main need. People of the first chakra usually do not work either on themselves or for themselves. They usually serve the interests of people vibrating at the level of the third chakra. At the level of the second chakra, desires are directed towards sense objects and energy is spent on exploring the sensory world. In the third chakra, the player is aware of the impact of social and political impulses on the development of his personality. Thus, the player becomes aware of himself. Selfishness becomes the main driving force of his actions, while his ego seeks to expand its sphere of influence more and more. So karma-loka makes a person face reality. The perspective changes, the fantasies characteristic of the second chakra collapse. This is the moment of sobering. It is at this moment that the player realizes the existence of the law of karma.

All things are in constant interaction with each other. At the energy level, karma determines the player's vibration frequency, which manifests itself at the physical level in the way he behaves. Karma is the cause of the cycle of birth-death-rebirth, and only karma can bring the player liberation from this cycle. Karma (action) creates fetters, but it can also destroy them.

The player bears karmic responsibility for his "I", which can be divided into manifested and unmanifested, body and essence. Thus, there is karma pertaining to the body and karma pertaining to the mind. The first relates to actions in this world. However, since consciousness includes the whole world, then the karma related to consciousness also covers this whole world.