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Plan 43. Birth of man (manushya-janma)

Passing through the plane of Agni prepares the player for taking form (birth). Manushya-janma marks the completion of this event. Conceived in the second chakra, fed and raised in the third, filled with human emotions in the fourth, the player is now ready to be born.

This birth is not registered either in the maternity hospital or in the office. But those who meet him may say later: "We have seen the Man." About the player who is here, it cannot be said that he is someone's son. Anyone can be his father. He is the son of God, and only His One. He does not belong to any caste, creed, nation, religion. He is free from attachments and does not need any documents proving his identity. He found himself. Now he has been born as a Human, and his presence is felt by all who are just waiting for such a birth. He has a direct perception of truth, looking reality straight in the face. He has lost interest in keeping his groups of followers and does not need anyone's favor. He relates only to truth, and the service of truth becomes his only goal.

Man is a rational being. This gift of reason helps him to correlate all his thoughts, words and actions with the truth. One whose life is at odds with the true laws does not have the full right to be called a man. It is some other being living in a human body and striving to be born as a human being.