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Plan 52. Plan of violence (himsa-loka)

A player who has reached the sixth chakra realizes the unity of all things. Human bodies serve only as transitory forms. The true essence of all players exists beyond the realm of names and forms. The player knows that death is just a change in life scenario. Here comes the danger that the player will begin to resort to violence, knowing full well that his actions ultimately do not cause real harm to other players.

But the world is the scene of Leela and karma. And every player can achieve Cosmic Consciousness during his current life. The law of karma states that all players must be given the opportunity to play their drama to the end in order to finish the game. Violence emanating from the sixth chakra is no exception to this ubiquitous karmic principle. This turns the plan of violence into a snake that plunges the player into the purgatory of the fourth chakra, where they must atone for their deeds.

At this level, there were individuals who throughout history called for crusades, jihad and other "holy" wars. The perpetrators of this endless stream of human suffering and death always consider themselves great reformers of consciousness. It would be better for the other player to be killed than for his soul to suffer in ignorance - this is the rationale for the actions of fanatics who are on a plane of violence. And besides, no one really dies...

Real violence is not possible until the sixth chakra. Violent actions can be performed by players in the lower chakras, but they are considered by players as self-defense, as a reaction to an external threat. In the sixth chakra, the player realizes that there is no outside threat. Violence of the first chakra is done because of money or other material goods. Violence of the second chakra is associated with sex and pleasure. The lust for power breeds 'violence in the third chakra. A man of the fourth chakra kills to get rid of karma, to settle old scores. Agnosticism is the engine of violence in the fifth chakra. In the sixth chakra, the establishment of a creed, cult or religion inevitably creates motivation for the concentration of excess power. Those who are responsible for such pseudo-holy wars between people were extreme ascetics who went through severe asceticism in order to gain strength. But, if the karma is unfavorable, asceticism itself can lead a person to a dangerous kind of solipsism. The player believes that he possesses all truth—that he himself is, in fact, God, or at least his messenger. All dissenters are delusional, and therefore any means will be justified to convert them to the "true" faith. It would be better if they died understanding than if they lived in ignorance.

There is no freedom of action in the lower chakras. In the sixth chakra, the player becomes the master of himself and achieves great opportunities through asceticism and asceticism. Strength in himsa loka becomes violence. The player commits violence first of all in relation to himself, then he moves on to others. Absolute confidence in one's own infallibility is needed to justify the violence committed. Such confidence does not come until the sixth chakra. What was a reaction in the lower chakras is now becoming nothing more than spiritual anarchy.

The lack of fluidity and spiritual love leads the player to the need for even more penance in purgatory, where he must repent from the heart in order to be able to continue the game and seek the path of spiritual love.