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Plan 8. Greed

Vanity leads the player to the fact that he begins to envy everyone. He is so carried away by the illusion of himself as a separate reality that any means of satisfying his desires seem just to him. After all, the vain gambler thinks, I am so much better than the others that I deserve to have everything they have. So, in this game, greed is associated with the snake of envy, because. it is envy created by vanity that leads to greed. In the state of greed, the player experiences active hatred towards other players. He is too good for them, and what they have is also too good for them. Therefore, the player argues, what belongs to them should be mine. He becomes unfriendly and has a passionate desire to take possession of the material wealth of the people around him. This feeling is different from greed, where only the material side is visible. Greed is greed combined with envy. As the player becomes more and more greedy, their thirst for wealth increases. And all the other problems of the first chakra also begin to torment him.

Eight is a number that decreases when multiplied: 8x1=8; 8x2=16, 1+6=7; 8x3=24, 2+4=6; 8x4=32, 3+2=5; 8x5=40, 4+0=4; 8x6=48, 8+4=12, 1+2=3; 8x7=56, 5+6=11, 1+1=2; 8x8=64, 6+4=10, 1+0=1.

When an 8 is multiplied by a 9, it becomes a 9 (8x9=72, 7+2=9), and in the next cycle it returns to its original state: 8x10=80, 8+0=8. This phenomenon reminds us of the cyclical nature of reality in general and of human existence in particular. The subtle decreases as the gross increases. And so on until the essence of the gross is penetrated, and then it again becomes subtle. Thus, any increase leads to a decrease, and a decrease again leads to an increase. Nothing is ever lost. Only the nature of manifestation changes.

Among the numbers of the lunar family, the eight represents an octave, eight dimensions, an octal maya, consisting of three gunas and five subtle elements. In numerology, the number eight is associated with Saturn. This is a planet that is not easy to understand, associated with ups and downs, fierce struggles. It is an airy planet associated with darkness. Its symbol is a silent thinker, immersed in self-observation and possessing materialistic views. People born under the figure eight are enthusiastically engaged in the accumulation of wealth, prone to unhealthy addictions and vices. However, they are wise and experienced and have a special gift for judging other people."