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Plan 71. Rajogun

Rajoguna is activity in consciousness or active consciousness. The player who has reached the eighth row, but has failed in his attempt to realize the Cosmic Consciousness, is carried forward by the forces of karma, activity. This activity is the cause of all suffering, it presupposes the presence of a doer who inevitably falls victim to his ambitions and expectation of the fruits of activity. Any obstacle on the way to the desired goal gives rise to pain and suffering. The predominance of rajoguna inevitably leads to pain and agony.

In samadhi, the player dissolves rajoguna into sattvaguna and becomes pure light - sattva. The persistence of the rajoguna prevents entry into samadhi, and tamas draws the player back to Earth as karma incorporates and generates new vibrational frequencies, which, as they take shape, become the subject of play.

As a guna, rajoguna balances sattva and tamas. Sattva and tamas are the extreme manifestations of energy in the form of gunas and tend to dominate one over the other. Rajas establishes a balance of extremes, without which this world of pleasure and pain, names and forms could not exist. None of the gunas can exist by itself.

Rajoguna prevails from three hours after sunrise until the evening when the sun begins to set. During this period, everything on earth becomes active, everything is included in activities aimed at maintaining life. Rajogush draws a person's attention to the outside world; if it is directed inwards, rajoguna becomes an internal dialogue. Without the transformation of tamas into sattva, the higher states of consciousness are unattainable. Yet one can remain in sattva during activities by using rajoguna in sattvic work.