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Plan 5. Physical plane (bhu-loka)

The area of unmanifested reality is transformed into the world of names and forms. The world of names and forms exists in the form of seven different lokas, or levels of being, arranged in ascending order. These lokas serve as stages in the evolution of the consciousness of the individual. As he develops, man moves forward in accordance with the changes taking place in his nature. Through these planes consciousness can realize its true nature.

Each of the lokas, or planes, is a separate area, which is determined by the nature of the matter from which it is created (see comment on field 32, 'plan of balance'). Located in a certain order in the central column, the locks form the spinal column of the playing board. Since the microcosm is arranged in exactly the same way as the macrocosm, the lokas are located in the human body along the spine, in the chakras, or centers of psychic energy. With the evolution of the psyche from one level to another, the development of the person himself takes place.

The physical plane is located at the base of the spine, at the site of the first chakra, and on the earth in the outer world. The name bhu-loka in Sanskrit means 'earth plane': bhu - 'earth', loka - 'plan'. The Earth consists of five elements that exist in solid, liquid and gaseous states in the form of radiant, ethereal and fine ethereal matter. All these are different stages of the existence of atoms of matter, having a certain form or not having it. In any case, they are dominated by the earth element and materialize as earth slowly and gradually.

The other planes, marked on the game board, are arranged each in its own horizontal row, belong to one of the seven lokas and are special areas located within the main seven planes, just as cities are located in provinces, provinces in countries, and countries in on the continents.

The physical plane includes: birth, maya, anger, greed, illusions, conceit (vanity), greed and the sensual plane - its right and left sides, positive and negative aspects. When a player enters the physical plane, he falls into the trap of his lower self. But this is only one of the many stages of the game. No one stays in one place all the time, and each roll of a dice opens up a new world for the player. On the physical plane, the player is mainly focused on material achievements. His usual concerns are money, house, car, food and physical strength. His entertainment is related to the body: it can be sports that involve competition and physical contact. His amusements also often include elements of violence. The main achievement is professional excellence.

The physical plane is associated with earth, matter and mother. It is the repository of energy, the place where the Kundalini is located - the psychic energy that yogis try to raise up through the seven chakras. If the problems associated with the physical plane are not resolved, the success of the remaining planes becomes impossible. There are no ascending arrows from this plane. All players must pass through this plane before they reach the other dimensions. The seven snakes lead here from other planes, demonstrating the special importance of realizing the nature of the densest level of existence.

The number of subtle elements is five: ether, air, fire, water and earth. There are so five organs of action of a person with which he creates his karma, these are the hands, feet, mouth, genitals and anus. There are also five sense organs: ears for sound, skin for touch, eyes for shape and color, tongue for taste, and nose for smell. Five is the number of balance: one with two twos on the sides. The planet ruling the number 5 is Mercury. Mercury is soft, likes to think about high matters, a scientist and a lover of entertainment. Mercury is also associated with business qualities and physical comfort.