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Plan 13. Insignificance (antariksha)

Antariksha is the plane situated between the physical plane and the heavens (svarga-loka). Here the player is in a "suspended" state: neither in heaven nor on earth, in fact, in nothing.

Insignificance is a condition directly related to unstable negative intelligence. When the player ceases to realize the purpose of his existence, feelings of abandonment (existential fear) and futility fill his consciousness. He sees no point in communicating with anyone. And the lack of vitality, accompanied by the sharpest feeling of inner emptiness, makes him rush about, not finding a place for himself. He is in constant negativity and anxiety.

Insignificance is one of the inherent features of the second chakra and is the cause of instability and anxiety. Everything around loses its meaning. Self-identification of the personality is completely lost, and as a result, the balance of the mental sphere is disturbed. All this is due to a lack of energy necessary for a harmonious stay on this plane. Diffusion of life force towards sense objects is a major problem at the level of the second chakra. The player can land on a void space after the first encounter with entertainment, the sensual plane, self-importance, or greed. If he comes here from the first chakra, he may have already experienced the joys of purification or entertainment, but the small amount of energy he possessed is wasted too quickly. And now he's confused. The goals he set for himself before are still there, but he sees no point in them. He sees no point in anything.

However, the state of insignificance is by no means eternal. Once the player starts replenishing his energy resources, he is ready to continue playing by the time it is his turn to roll the die.