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Plan 17. Compassion (daya)

Compassion is one of the divine qualities within the player, so strong that it lifts him from the second chakra to the eighth, to the plane of the Absolute. Compassion opens the capacity for empathy so that the ego is swept away by a wave of feelings so intense that tears of joy fill the eyes and the heart beats in admiration and cosmic love. For a moment, the player becomes one with the Divine.

Compassion is one of the most positive manifestations of the ability to see imaginary possibilities, which is characteristic of the second chakra. The state of compassion is created when empathy is directed towards those whose actions were directed against the player. And instead of hitting back (“an eye for an eye”), he “turns the other cheek.”

Imagination allows the player to imagine possible motives for other people's actions. He sees that the other could also be hurt or offended by himself or another person. He knows that both he and the others are players in a cosmic game whose meaning and rules far exceed their present level of understanding. He realizes that there are other, higher states that allow a person to judge the actions of others. This compassionate understanding allows him to forgive the other. This frees his consciousness from self-identification, and he flies up to the plane of the Absolute.

There is a Sanskrit saying: "Daya (compassion) is the basis of Dharma (righteousness)." Without this quality, true religiosity is simply impossible. Compassion, kindness, patience at all times contributed to the development of a good beginning in a person, helping him to purify his emotions, form character and ethical development. The barriers of personality are broken down and the player's mind becomes a reflection of the Divine. Compassion is the abandonment of self. However, it cannot free the player from their accumulated karma, so they must now roll the die until they are stung by the snake on the tamogun's square, allowing them to return to earth to complete their mission.