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Plan 32. Balance Plan (Mahar Loka)

Mahar-loka is the fourth loka of the seven levels of being. It is believed that this loka is destroyed at the onset of the night of Brahma, the Creator. The first three lokas serve as the arena where the jiva (individual consciousness) lives, developing in a series of new and new rebirths. In this fourth loka, as in the third, the element of fire dominates, but here it is not as beautiful as in svarga loka, where the bodies of the inhabitants sparkle and emit radiance.

Here the player rises above the physical level, desires and thoughts. Individual consciousness can be colored by desire (kama) or thoughts, but now the player reaches a state of freedom from desires and thoughts. Having overcome the third level, the player enters the fourth and enters a permanent invisible world. The beings living here have not yet achieved complete freedom from rebirth, but they are not subject to repeated incarnations during the current cycle of creation, since they are in a state of balance.

The heart chakra plane serves as the balance point of the “spinal column” of the game: three centers lie above it and three lie below it. From here the energy flows down to the first three centers and up to the three higher planes of being. In this center, masculine and feminine energies are balanced. The words of a player whose vibrations are at this level come from his heart.

He reaches mahar-loka through the arrow of charity or through the fields of good tendencies and holiness. Here the desires, rooted in the first chakras, are calmed, and the expenditure of energy for their satisfaction stops. A flow of energy begins in the heart, leading upward.

Here the player overcomes the intellectual understanding of the Divine, characteristic of the third chakra, and moves towards a direct experience of His presence within his "I". Because of this sense of oneness with the Absolute, mahar-loka is also sometimes called the plane of the cosmic mind.

Since ancient times, the heart center has been known as the main place of manifestation of emotions in the human body. It is in the heart that our emotional self lives. Yogic physiology associates it with the thymus, an endocrine gland located in the region of the heart. This gland is responsible for the flow of electrical energy in the body, and the nature of sensory perception is based on electrical phenomena. Each change in emotional tone is recorded by the heart, its rhythm determines the chemical composition of the blood. Each change in the chemical composition of the internal environment, in turn, is recognized by the mind as a certain feeling or emotional state. Thus, the heart is something more than a machine that pumps pure blood towards the organs of the body, and returns the spent blood to the lungs. It is also the center of emotions, the psychic center. In the Sufi tradition, special emphasis is placed on the need to open the heart center through love (mohabbat). Hence comes poetry, the transformation of the personal into the universal. All poetry is filled with the heart, its vibrations and all sorts of experiences. This center is also the source of all transpersonal psychic phenomena.

Regardless of which way the player reached this place, they now enjoy peace. His hands automatically fold into mudras (special gestures that help balance the flow of energy in the body). His heart is filled with the spirit of devotion - bhakti. He is able to begin to identify himself with all of creation, developing in himself the experience of cosmic unity. In his behavior, tenderness, gentleness and aesthetic feeling are mainly manifested. His speech comes from the heart, penetrates the hearts of others in such a way that he effortlessly attracts a group of admirers who strive to reach the same level of vibration.

The symbol of the balance plan is a six-pointed star, composed of two equal regular triangles, one of which is directed upwards, and the other downwards. This symbol is known in the West as the "Star of David". The upward pointing triangle symbolizes the masculine energy, the downward pointing symbolizes the feminine. This is an expression of the state of equilibrium achieved by the player vibrating at this level.

Hindu cosmology lists fourteen major planes of creation (lokas), seven of which are located above the earth. These are the plans of the seven chakras that make up the "spinal column" of the game, as well as the spinal column of the player himself. The first is bhu-loka - the physical plane, then bhuvar-loka - the astral plane, the third is swarga-loka - the celestial plane, the fourth is mahar-loka - the plane of balance, the fifth is jana-loka - the human plane, followed by tapa- loka, the plane of asceticism; and satya loka, the plane of reality. Below the earth level are atala loka, vital loka, sutala loka, rasatala loka, talatala loka, maha tala loka and patala loka.

In the daily Hindu worship service (sandhya), the worshiper recites a mantra that lists the seven major lokas. When pronouncing the name of each of these planes, he touches the part of his body associated with it. He utters Om bhu by touching the moistened fingertip of his right hand to the point between the anus and the genitals, the seat of the Kundalini. Then he says Om bhuvah, touching the base of the sexual organs, where the second psychic center is located. He says Om swah while touching the navel. He sings Om maha, while touching the heart, Om jana - to the base of the throat, Om tapa - to the third eye, the point between the eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose. And finally, Om satyam, touching the top of the head.