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Plan 41. The human plane (jana-loka)

Jana-loka, the fifth plane of the fifth level, is the abode of siddhas (beings who have reached a high degree of development and possess powers that allow them to perform actions that are "supernatural" for people on the lower planes) and saints, constantly immersed in the contemplation of Lord Hari ( one of the names of Vishnu).

Jana-loka is also a refuge for the inhabitants of Svarga-loka and Mahar-loka during the Great Destruction of all existing forms and phenomena, after which the Universe is re-created. The element of air predominates here, and the bodies of beings on this plane are composed of pure wisdom, not subject to desires. This is the loca of divine wisdom, and all its inhabitants are marked by this exalted quality.

A player who enters the level of the fifth chakra, the human plane, seeks to harmonize his life with divine laws in order to maintain the upward flow of his energy. In order to establish himself in his experience, he feels the need to communicate with others. That is why the fifth chakra is the source of all great teachings. Its location in the throat, close to the vocal cords, emphasizes the importance of communication for a player whose vibrations are at this level.

The player is established on this plane due to the correct understanding of vital energies and the experience gained during the passage of the fields of purgatory, clarity of consciousness and jnana. His wisdom requires synchronization with planetary laws, and the understanding of vital prana makes this of exceptional importance. The imbalance of energies is a reflection of the lack of harmony with the planetary laws. However, without the coordinated work of these energies, synchronization is impossible.

The player's understanding of the divine presence in all creation, acquired during the journey through the fourth chakra, causes him to seek the Divine within himself, and so his attention is turned to the world of sounds, now taking on a new meaning. He becomes able to perceive inner sounds previously inaudible, as his attention has been drawn to the phenomena of the surrounding world. Turning his attention and feelings inward, he hears the sound of a beating heart and blood flowing through his veins. These sounds open up his nerves, which in turn expands his perception.

Words are known that all knowledge is inside, but they become a reality only in the fifth chakra. The opening of the nerves produces internal sounds. These vibrations, in turn, affect psychic energy, and this is manifested in a change in the chemical processes in the body. As a result, the player's psyche opens up to new dimensions of experience. The resulting understanding is known as Knowledge.

In the fourth chakra, the player gains experience, but lacks understanding. The increase in energy that accompanies the transition from the fourth to the fifth chakra elevates the consciousness, and new perspectives are presented to the player. At the level of the first chakra, there are only four directions of energy movement, represented by petals in the graphic representation of this chakra. The second has six. The transition from the second chakra to the third opens up four new directions, and two more are added during the transition from the third to the fourth - twelve in total. Sixteen directions operate in the fifth chakra, radically expanding the understanding of the nature of the game. This new perspective is what gives rise to all great religious teachings.

If a player who has reached the fifth chakra is a member of a spiritual tradition, he can become a new link in its development. Or he can leave this teaching and become an independent thinker, seer, prophet or saint.

On this plane, the player learns the true meaning of what it means to be human. Often this is achieved directly from the level of the third chakra with an arrow leading from the field of selfless service.