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Plan 23. Heavenly plane (svarga-loka)

Svarga-loka, the celestial plane, is the third of the seven planes of creation. All these three planes - bhu-loka, bhuvar-loka and svarga-loka - are destroyed at the end of the day of Brahma, the Creator, to be reborn again at the dawn of his next day. At the level of bhu-loka, everything exists in physical form, bhuvar-loka belongs to the realm of desires, in swarga-loka, thinking comes to the fore. The main force governing this plane is the element of fire. Everything that exists here sparkles, sparkles and glows like fire, which is why the creatures that inhabit this plane radiate light. Descriptions of sparkling angels and deities can be found in the mythologies of all peoples.

In the first chakra, the player seeks security and seeks to acquire many things that could support his physical existence. In the second, he explores the world of the senses and seeks pleasure. Rising to the third plane, he opens a new dimension - the identification of his personality, or ego. And his main desire is the immortality of this structure created by him. As soon as the ego's desire for immortality enters its heart, its attention turns to the laws of heaven. So the player creates for himself a mental image of heaven from his own aspirations.

The heaven that he thinks of is a place filled with everything that his "I" needs to satisfy his desires - pleasure, joy and happiness. He realistically looks at the world and sees that the world is full of suffering and pain, ups and downs. He strives for pleasure, which would be endless, never ending. This space, known as the heavenly world, is nourished by the thoughts of people of all religions. Even Marx, being an atheist, could not do without this image in his philosophy. He called his ultimate goal "a classless society". Heaven is the manifestation of the desires characteristic of the third chakra. If we abstract from value judgments, we will see that this plane rises above the levels of the first and second chakras and is reached from the second chakra with the help of purification. Heaven is a bait for the lost sheep of the first and second chakras, the purpose of which is to return them to the spiritual path. This technique was used by saints and prophets of all religions to raise the spiritual level of the masses. In the Hindu tradition, the heavenly plane is the domain of the god Indra. Indra is famous for having brought under his control the indriyas: the five sense organs and the five organs of action. Whoever has complete control over these organs becomes the lord of Heaven and resides on this plane. Heaven is the dwelling place of saints, devotees, supreme karma yogis, and celestial dancers and musicians (see comment on box 11, “entertainment”).

For one who has subjugated the organs of sense and action, everything that exists on the material plane appears in a harmonious and divine form. There are no lower desires, no violence, no attachment, no greed, no jealousy, no money-grubbing, no anger, no sensuality, no insignificance. Instead, there is purification, mercy, joy, and eternal life full of enjoyment.