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Plan 35. Purgatory (naraka-loka)

Until the player reaches the level of the heart, he lacks an understanding of sudharma, or true religiosity. And without sudharma, no freedom of action is possible. But as soon as the player acquires freedom of action, he becomes responsible for their consequences. Naraka-loka is where the player is responsible for their 'accounts'.

In Hindu cosmology, the naraka loka is located between earth and heaven. This plan consists of seven layers that the player must overcome before they get to heaven. In accordance with their karmas, the player spends some time in each of the layers, then, if he also has positive karma, he will ascend to heaven.

The lord of the naraka loka is Yama, the lord of death, also known as Dharmaraja. Violence leads the player to purgatory, to the most painful conditions. Every action bears a corresponding fruit. This is the law of karma, the effect of which is inevitable as long as the player continues physical existence. Bad karma leads the player to the naraka-loka, to the place that corresponds to this karma. This is not a punishment, but a cleansing. Dharmaraja, the lord of the naraka, has no personal interest in the suffering of the players who go there. Rather, his work is to correct negativity, making way for future spiritual development. Naraka is also the heart chakra itself. Attachment to feelings is naraka, feeling of attachment is naraka. Naraka is negative vibrations. A person who radiates negativity creates naraka in his own house, family, district, city, country or world, depending on his capabilities. Getting into the naraka-loka without the understanding inherent in the fourth level, the player looks at the situation as a failure, he does not see the consequences of negative karma in it. Then it becomes obvious that naraka-loka is nothing but a sign of imperfection of actions, which must be corrected. In the fourth chakra there is awareness without evaluation.