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Plan 72. Tamoguna

After sunset and until morning twilight, tamoguna prevails, and the whole world falls into sleep. Initially, like other gunas, tamoguna is in primary prakrti. After the beginning of creation, mahat arises, in which sattvaguna prevails. Mahat gives birth to the intellect (buddhi) from which arises the ego (ahamkara). Sattvic ahamkara generates the mind (manas), and rajasic - indriyas (sense organs and organs of activity), while tamasic ahamkara gives rise to tanmatras. Tanmatra means something pure, unmixed. There are five of them: sound, touch, visual image, taste and smell. They correspond to the five great elements (mahabhutas): akasha (ether), air, fire, water and earth. Combining, they form an individual "I", in which the action of the gunas is manifested in all four states of consciousness. The gunas operating in the material world are different from the pure gunas that exist within prakriti. At this level, the tamoguna becomes the largest snake on the playing board - this is tamas, the field located at the end of the row corresponding to the seventh chakra. In the eighth row, the gunas are closer to their source (prakriti) - therefore, they are purer.

The last square of the game board is also the beginning of a new cycle in the space game, providing the player with form and matter. There is a snake here that stings the player, bringing them back to the ground.

Tamoguna is a differentiated energy in consciousness. The light of sattva shines within her, but due to ignorance and lack of dedication, it cannot develop on its own. For this, rajas is necessary, then sattva can manifest itself and, having reached the earth, take a new form with the help of karma. Tamoguna hides the truth so that the rope looks like a snake and the snake looks like a rope. Darkness is the main sign of tamoguna, and its nature is passivity. A player entering here immediately leaves the Cosmic Power Level and returns to earth to seek a new path of ascension. What happens next depends only on the player and the One Who is Truth.