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Plan 56. Plan of primordial vibrations (Omkara)

Om is the single sound that is present everywhere in the universe, manifest and unmanifest. It is the most subtle form in which energy exists. Omkara is the plane of vibrations that produce this cosmic sound that is in harmony with all other vibrations. The player who gets here realizes that Om is a vibration that fills all the elements of being.

In the beginning was the Word (sound). And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The player can become aware of this sound if they bypass the desire traps set by their mind and meditate while creating the sound with their body. Om is the basis of all knowledge, poetry and art. Concentration on Om opens the player to all the limitless sources within him, which were previously blocked by the maya of the lower chakras.

This sound is also a wonderful tool that helps relieve tension. Every player, consciously or unconsciously, takes advantage of this. Om is a humming, lowing sound. We all “mumble something to ourselves” sometimes. Poets and composers often use this sound to awaken inspiration.

Om is simultaneously the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer - the three aspects of the Divine. If the player sees that he has come into contact with some annoying elements in his environment, all he needs to do to return to a harmonious state is to start humming. This process will turn the focus of his attention inward, allowing the treasures hidden in the depths of his consciousness, the chitta, to be revealed.

If the vibrations of the poet or composer are at the level of the lower chakras, the humming results in the creation of works associated with these planes. If their vibrations are higher, creations will be associated with higher levels of consciousness. In Hinduism, it is believed that all the Vedas originated from the sound Om. It is clear that the Vedas were written by saints and seers who were also poets and composers whose vibrations reached the highest planes, since their works are the highest form of poetry in contact with the spark of the Divine.

The player who achieves the Omkara Plan has realized the need to pacify and simplify his life. Worldly concerns distracted him from the vibration of Om and the cosmic wisdom revealed by this sound. When life becomes easier, every action is made consciously and the player ceases to be a slave to his habits. As his existence becomes more and more attuned to reality, he himself becomes a source of vibrations, resonating with the vibrations of the cosmos.

When a person hums or hums, he makes a sound identical to the vibration of Om. This sound appears in a conversation when one interlocutor agrees with the words of another and says “hmm” or “uh-huh” as a sign of agreement. The sound of Om is heard in the moan: it reduces pain, tension and, by changing the chemistry of the body, helps to eliminate harmful substances. The humming-mooing makes the whole body vibrate, all the centers, but especially the crown of the head, the seventh chakra. In the sixth chakra, Om was a meditation sound, bringing the player into contact with reality. Here, in the seventh chakra, Om is realized as a fact of existence.

The Vedic claim that Om enables a person to access knowledge that never existed in his direct life experience was confirmed in a study conducted at the University of Saskatchewan. A group of 200 students sang Om in an attempt to resolve a question that none of the participants in the experiment knew the answer to. After an hour of singing, one of the students received an answer from the treasury of cosmic knowledge that had been opened with the help of Om.