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Plan 9. Sensual plane (kama-loka)

This is the ninth square of the bottom row. Nine is a completed odd number that closes the first row. This is a ladder that leads the player to the second level of consciousness, which begins with purification. After the player is born and enters the game, he must pass through the sensual plane before he can get to the second level.

Kama means desire - desire of any kind. People want fame, wealth, success, family happiness, position in society. Any desire, aspiration, noble or ignoble goal is kama. Kama is the first stage of evolution. If there were no desire, there would be no universe.

So, kama-loka is the plan of desires. However, all desires come from the sensual nature of man, so this plane is also called the sensual plane. It is directly related to ignorance, lack of knowledge. You can get here through the mouth of the snake of ignorance or through the gradual exploration of the first chakra. Nine is a representative of the family of odd numbers and denotes completeness and perfection. It represents strength and energy. When multiplied by any other number, it retains its identity and integrity: 9x1=9; 9x2=18=9; 9x3=27=9; 9x4=36=9; 9x5=45=9; 9x6=54=9; 9x7=63=9; 9x8=72=9; 9x9=81=9; 9x376=3384=9; 9x280=2520=9. There are nine openings in the human body through which the life energy, prana, leaves the body at the time of death: the mouth, two nostrils, two eyes, two ears, anus, and the sexual organ. During the day, a person performs 21600 respiratory cycles (inhalations and exhalations), and this number can be reduced to 9. A day consists of 1440 minutes, which can also be reduced to 9. The normal duration of dominance of one hemisphere or breathing mainly through one nostril is about 900 breaths (60 x 15), which comes down to 9. There are 9 major nerves in the human body. In Hinduism, nine female deities are worshiped (nava-durga: nava - 'nine', Durga - the name of the Goddess). There are 72,000 channels in the human body called nadis. They carry prana, the life force, and their total number also comes down to 9. There are 9 planets (navagraha) in the solar system that influence life on earth. In numerology, 9 is the number of Mars, shining in the sky with a bright reddish light.