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Plan 42. Plan of Agni (Agni-loka)

Agni is the purest manifestation of the endless cyclical rebirth of the same divine essence. Fire is spirit, soul and body at the same time. This whole world, filled with diverse beings and phenomena, including man, was born from the Divine Fire. The image of the deity, symbolizing fire, has three faces, representing three types of fire: pavaka - electric fire, pavamana - fire arising from friction, and shuchi - the fire of the gods, called Vaishvanara in the Rigveda - a living magnetic fire that permeates the entire cosmos. The word Vaishvanara is also often used to refer to the Higher Self.

The player who enters the Agni Loka is ready to take on the form as a result of birth. Agni is the god of fire. Fire is the gross manifestation of energy. In the body, this fire is life itself. It is love and a sense of security. The fire protected people from the attack of wild animals at the time when they lived in the cave. But fire is only one of the manifestations of Agni. Together with the elements of air and water, he participated in the formation of the Earth and is the progenitor of all existing forms. Fire also serves as a source of light, which is a combination of colors. Thus, fire is the source of both colors and forms that make up the essence of the world of appearances.

Fire is a gross manifestation of energy, its conductor. The player entering this plane understands that his body is also only a means. That is why fire is seen as a mediator between man and God. All religious rituals are performed in the presence of Agni as an eternal witness. And since the deity of fire, Agni, is a reflection of human nature, the player realizes the impossibility of self-deception, because the witness is always there. The player who is on the verge of taking on a new form does so with the knowledge that the role he will play must be in accordance with the dictates of planetary laws. Any deviations lead to self-deception, and this inevitably entails a decrease in energy levels.

Hindu mythology tells how one day Agni decided to explore the universe. He assumed a form like air and traveled through the universe on a lotus petal. But after a while he got tired and began to look for a place to rest. Soon he saw a nest on the surface of the eternal waters. In this nest he lit his fire. The waters were the wives of Varuna, another manifestation of Agni.

Divine fire kindled with desire for these women, and soon they were ready for intercourse. Agni poured out the seed, and it became earth. Thus, our planet is the creation of Agni, born from the fire that he kindled in the middle of the nest. Modern science claims that the Earth was once a fireball (Agni). Water cooled the surface of the Earth, which created the possibility for the emergence of life. Even now, fire remains in the core of the planet, manifesting itself in volcanic eruptions that eject red-hot lava from the depths of the Earth. When this inner fire dies, life on this planet will cease.