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Plan 65. Plan of the interior space (uranta loka)

Leaving behind the seventh row and realizing the existence of prakriti, the player begins to penetrate into the source of all phenomena of the phenomenal world - the great consciousness. The player merges with it, and at that moment all duality disappears. The player gets a pure experience of immense dimensions, an infinite space that lies inside his "I".

Ur means the feeling of one's "I", ant - "the end". Uranta-loka is the place where the feeling of one's separate "I" ends, any division disappears and the player plunges into the indescribable depths of the inner life. During one breath, he sees the birth, development and subsequent destruction of the entire creation. He sees the illusory nature of all boundaries and distinctions. Having realized the nature of prakriti and the unity underlying all creation, he now merges with this unity. There are no feelings or sensations here. The "I" is fully aware of itself as an unchanging observer. There is no good, no evil, no vice, no virtue. The player becomes like a pure crystal that transmits light. In the Puranas and Samhitas, one can find descriptions of uranta-loka, compiled by holy seers who have experienced this state. They vividly describe the cosmic knowledge flowing through them. They have become pure conductors of light from the source of knowledge, completely detached, endowed with an understanding that has no limits.