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Plan 49. Lunar plan (ganga)

The player who enters this plane finds himself at the source of female magnetic energy. Here it is under the influence of the ida-nadi nerve located on the left side of the spine. Ida, in accordance with its feminine (nourishing) nature, is considered the source of nourishment for the body. A woman is always magnetic, attractive, while a man is electrified and full of power.

Magnetic energy in man is closely connected with psychic energy. A player who is able to create more psychic energy thereby develops a personal magnetism that draws to him those who fall under the influence of this power. Magnetism is actually a manifestation of balance. Magnetic force is created by the interaction of the north and south poles of any substance that can store this energy. When the flow of energy from one pole to the other is unobstructed, a magnetic field is created. In the same way, if a person meditates at a time when the breath through the left nostril dominates, there is a continuous flow of psychic energy.

Through meditation, the player enters the lunar plane. Here he acquires an understanding of the feminine principle. He learns that both the tides of human emotions during the full moon and the tides of the sea are the result of the influence of the moon, whose magnetism extends to the whole planet. Although the connection between lunar cycles and madness is known, a player who has entered the lunar plane has nothing to fear. At this level, all energy is one, and the feminine energy loses its destructive nature. Here it appears in its creative constructive manifestation. The left (lunar) nostril promotes not only meditation, but also the enjoyment of music, dance, poetry. Lunar breathing soothes pain, dispels sorrows, it helps to restore the forces of consciousness. Ida-nadi leads the player to the lunar plane, the plane of devotion and receptivity.

The general rule of yoga is this: the left nostril should dominate during the day, and the right nostril at night. Lunar breathing is necessary during the day to compensate for the predominance of solar energy, and solar - at night to balance the predominance of the moon.