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Plan 68. Cosmic Consciousness (Vaikuntha Loka)

Rising above all lokas, beyond all limits, is Vaikuntha - the loka of Cosmic Consciousness, the life force (prana) of all manifested reality. This loka also consists of an element called mahat, which is the source of all other elements. Before starting the game, the participant accepts the importance and meaning of this plane of Being, which will always be his goal. Whatever desires tempt him to stray from his path, his highest desire is always moksha - liberation. Vaikuntha is the abode of Vishnu, the place that every follower of Hinduism hopes to reach by ending his existence in his current form. Here is the Cosmic Consciousness, since Vishnu, being the Truth, is the patron and protector of consciousness in its ascent.

The points that appear on the karma die correspond to the level of the player's vibrations. The bone determines both the position of the player on the field, and the path traveled and the upcoming path. The player can follow the discipline of Ashtanga Yoga, the Eightfold Path, gradually progressing through the levels. Or, following the Dharma, become a bhakta - a spiritual devotee. All paths lead to the same goal. Whatever the path of the player among all the countless possibilities, he has now reached the abode of Vishnu. Vishnu, serving as the essence of creation, Truth. It is directly above the plane of reality, since Truth is the highest reality.

The game stops. What happens now is up to the player. The nature of the space game is simple - it is the discovery of new combinations. With what new karmas, what companions will the player be able to re-enter the game, striving to find again the state that will be his true home? He can continue this game of hide-and-seek with himself, or stay out of the game forever. Or he may return back to Earth to help other seekers reach their goal by assuming the role of a twice-born bodhisattva. The choice is his.