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Plan 58. Plan of Radiance (Teja Loka)

Teja means "light, radiance". The Upanishads speak of four states of consciousness, or "I". Let's list them:

  1. The state of wakefulness or jagrat, in which the Self is known as Vaishvanara.

  2. The state of dreaming, or swapna, in which the form of consciousness is called tejas - "full of light", or "consisting of light."

  3. The state of deep dreamless sleep called sushupti, in which consciousness is called prajna.

  4. An altered state of consciousness called turiya, a state that is neither conscious nor unconscious. In this state, consciousness is Brahman, or Cosmic Consciousness.

Teja is the light that was created in the beginning. The world that we perceive in the waking state is the world of appearances and forms, the phenomenal world, pre-existing in the light (teja) from which it materializes. This world is similar to the world of our dreams, but it is not. This state is completely "made" of light. The images we see in photographs look exactly like real people, but they are actually different forms of light that create the illusion of reality. Tejas, however, is associated with the astral (sukshma) body, which is made up of light and in which the player resides when he dreams.

Shine means to radiate light. Omkara is sound. After the sound comes air, vayu-loka. And after air comes fire, teja, a subtle element responsible for the creation of all forms of creation. Fire cannot exist without air, just as the player cannot reach teja loka unless he first passes through the plane of air.

Every substance has a flash point, the temperature at which it ignites in the presence of oxygen. Heat is the excitation of molecules. The faster the molecules move, the greater the heat. Fire occurs when this movement is too fast for the material form to sustain it. As the player rises higher and higher, the level of his own vibrations increases. In the seventh chakra he reaches the essence of vibrations. Then, when its vibration reaches a certain limit, it passes through the plane of air and ignites with a radiant flame that gives light to all who surround it.

When the player reaches the plane of radiance, he illuminates the whole world with his light. There are many stars, but only a few sparkle bright enough for us to see. Each solar system has its own sun. It is on this plane that the player becomes enlightened. He turns into the sun and collects around him the astral bodies necessary for the formation of a complete solar system.

None of the arrows lead to the plane of radiance, and it cannot be reached directly from the underlying planes. The player must move towards it slowly and gradually, unless he achieves final liberation by practicing spiritual devotion.