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Plan 47. Plan of Neutrality (Saraswati)

Psychic energy in the human body flows through the central nerve canal of the spine, or sarasvati. According to yoga philosophy, this flow of energy begins at the first chakra and gradually rises higher as the player progresses from one row to the next. The ultimate goal of yoga is to raise this energy to the seventh chakra located at the top of the head.

There are three main types of energy in the human body: electrical, magnetic and neutral. Electrical energy is solar energy, it predominates on the right side of the human body. The magnetic energy is lunar, it predominates on the left side. In the normal state, either electrical or magnetic energy (positive or negative, solar or lunar) predominates.

Neutral or psychic energy is obtained when the solar and lunar principles are in balance, and then this energy begins to flow along the spine. Below the sixth chakra, control over this energy was impossible. During meditation, short pulses may be felt, but apparently erratic and uncontrollable by the mind. In the sixth chakra, the negative and positive gradually disappear and only the neutral remains. The Saraswati plane is the realm of the goddess who bears the same name. Here the player is surrounded by pure music and lives in a state of vidya, knowledge. Saraswati, the deity of learning and beauty, gives him the opportunity to achieve balance and be beyond the influences of the electromagnetic field of existence. Now he can just watch the game.

Three nerves that connect in the brain in the area of the "third eye" (just above the mid-eyebrow) are responsible for the flow of three types of energy. The names of these nadis are pingala, ida and sushumna: solar, lunar and neutral; or electrical, magnetic and neutral. Their confluence is called Prayag, and this name is often used to mean the "third eye". Sushumna remains invisible, while Ida and Pingala are represented by two eyes. In Indian mythology, one of the most important holy places is Prayag Raj, where the three most sacred rivers, the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati, join. Ganga and Yamuna are ida and pingala. Both of them are visible, as the two eyes of a person are visible. The Saraswati River is invisible, it flows to Prayag from the depths of the earth. The same symbolism can be seen in the Greco-Roman image of the staff of the divine healer Aesculapius. Two snakes coil around the central winged staff. These snakes are ida and pingala, and the wand is sushumna.