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Plan 59 Plan of Reality (Satya Loka)

Satya Loka is the last plane of the seven main lokas located in the spinal column of the playing board. The predominant element in Satya Loka is Akasha Tattva. Here the player reaches the world of Shabda-Brahman and is on the verge of liberation from the cycle of rebirths. He has reached the highest plane beyond which lies Vaikuntha, the seat of the Cosmic Consciousness. Satya loka does not perish during the night of Brahma the Creator. Shabda is the word Om, which is Brahman itself (Absolute Reality, Cosmic Consciousness). Shabda-Brahman is the plane of primordial vibrations - Omkara. After passing through this plane, the player is able to root himself in reality.

Sathya is truth, reality, God. Here the player reaches his highest chakra and becomes a reality himself, a realized being. Up to this level, the whole game is a process of development directed towards this state of realization of one's true nature. The player who enters here achieves harmony, balance with the forces of the cosmos. The flow of his energy knows no obstacles.

It is here that the player becomes Satchidananda (sat - "being", chit - "consciousness", ashnda - "bliss"). He realizes that bliss is the essence of consciousness. He is in a state of samadhi, like a drop in the ocean. He is in the ocean of bliss. His presence becomes divine and he spreads grace to other players.

But even here the player has not yet attained liberation. Here, on the seventh level of the game, there are three snakes. The first is selfishness. The second is negative intelligence. The third is tamas. Upon reaching the Plane of Reality, the player has escaped one of these snakes, but two lie ahead, challenging his quest for liberation. If the player has not yet managed to completely free himself from doubt and laziness, he will become a victim of one of them. But if he manages to keep his mind from negativity, and his karma has come to an end, he will successfully pass the snake of tamas and happiness (sukha), plans of the eighth level and Cosmic Consciousness await him ahead. He is aware of the dangers he faces and understands that he must take the right actions to achieve his goal. With the realization of the plane of reality, he realizes that he cannot achieve liberation simply by being at the level of the seventh chakra. He has more karma to complete. There are no more arrows ahead of him propelling him forward, no more sudden upward movement of energy. He must go his way according to his karma.