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Plan 18. Plan of joy (harsha-loka)

Here, at the end of the second row, the second plane, the second chakra, a feeling of deep satisfaction comes to the player. He knows that he has successfully passed through the realms of envy, insignificance and jealousy. The journey in the fantasy world comes to an end, and he moves on to the real world and the practice of karma yoga. He does not know how soon he will be able to achieve his goal, Cosmic Consciousness, but he could be convinced by his own experience that he can overcome the levels of being by raising his energy. The feeling of dislike for the upcoming clash with reality hurries him up so that he begins to feel all levels of his being in a new way, more deeply. The reality that awaits him ahead challenges him, but he also retains the feeling of satisfaction that comes with the completion of the previous stage of development. One phase has already been completed, and the next one is before him. This is the moment of overcoming and the spirit of joy fills the player. He managed to pass the first chakra, and now he does not feel fear and is quite confident in himself. Having risen above sensual desires, he completed the second stage. Ahead of him is the joyful fulfillment of karma yoga. He feels at the top of his being and the whole world. The sense of time disappears: joy is always eternal, no matter how brief its moment may be. The limitations of space also disappear: joy knows no bounds. However, the joy cannot be permanent: soon the forces of karma begin their work, prompting the player to move through the third level.