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Plan 31. Plan of holiness (yaksha-loka)

The player entering the plane of holiness experiences divine grace through an understanding of cosmic principles. Holiness is a direct result of good tendencies. This is the feeling of oneness with the presence of the Divine associated with the fourth chakra and the ability to see the manifestation of His grace in all creation. This unity transcends mere intellectual understanding and becomes a real part of everyday life.

Yakshas are ethereal beings that live in the heavens. In accordance with the cosmological system adopted in Hinduism, there are seven classes of beings in the universe: devas, yakshas (or kinnaras), gandharvas, manushyas, asuras (or rakshas), bhutas and pishachas. Pishachas represent the lowest kind of consciousness based on violence and betrayal. The next are the bhutas, or disembodied spirits, unable to leave the earthly plane of existence due to attachment, living in the past. Then follow the asuras - creatures that do not recognize ethical standards of behavior, living in search of sensual pleasures ("wine, women and songs"). The next class is manushyas (people). They believe in the laws of karma and responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Manushyas can foresee the future and understand the nature of liberation. This is the plan of human existence. Gandharvas are creatures dedicated to the service of the gods and living in harmony with divine music. They inspire people through sound and music. Then come the yakshas - their consciousness is based on the knowledge and understanding of cosmic principles and the direct experience of divine grace. And finally, there are the devas, pure forms of the energy of the deities themselves.

When the player reaches yaksha-loka, his attention is drawn to the question of the nature of divine existence. He tries to find connections between the divine and his daily life. He strives for real experience, which is possible only after reaching the fourth chakra. Before, it was just an abstract concept. Now the interest in the divine and its presence in all creation, the desire to face reality becomes the essence of the player.