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Plan 29. Lack of Religiousness (Adharma)

The player who enters the sudharma cell discovers his role in the game and begins to act in accordance with it, not paying attention to the consequences. He knows that as long as he listens to the voice within, he has nothing to fear. Faith that is in accordance with the laws of nature is sudharma. Blind faith, neglecting cosmic principles, leads to adharma. In essence, all actions that are contrary to the individual Dharma of a person are adharma. Adharma leads a person astray, returning him back to the first chakra, to delusions, which are the essence of blind faith.

Adharma comes into conflict with the laws of being. At sunrise, the entire planet is transformed. Everything changes: wind, temperature, pressure. The pace of life is increasing. If a person sleeps at this time, he is acting against the laws of the planet, and this is adharma. The extraction of fossil raw materials from the bowels of the Earth, which is then used without concern for possible negative consequences for the environment and the future needs of the planet, is an adharma directed against the Earth. Likewise, some actions serve as adharma for human physiology. To live in constant tension, without rest, is an obvious adharma. But to release tension by resorting to false means will be even more adharma. Adharma does not exist by itself. This is the denial of the laws of Dharma, action contrary to one's inner nature. Self-ignorance is adharma, but self-worship is also adharma.

One can better understand the nature of adharma if one remembers the gunas, the three cosmic forces involved in creation. If one of them - sattva (conscious energy), tamas (inertia) or rajas (activity) - begins to prevail over the other two, a state of adharma arises. The greatest adharma is self-destruction. The Serpent of Adharma takes the player back to the beginning of the game, in an illusion. Adharma is the main danger for a player who is at the level of the fourth chakra. In the first three chakras, energy was directed towards the physical, astral and celestial planes. Now, being in the fourth chakra, the player begins to understand the importance of real religiosity. In search of his own role in the game, he may neglect the existing aspects of the Dharma, trying to do everything in his own way, ignoring the planetary laws of existence. Faith is the key to this situation.

Faith is the very essence of the fourth chakra: faith, devotion, bhakti. This belief, if the player acts in harmony with his true nature (sudharma), elevates him to the plane of penance. But if he deviates from the right path, the same faith causes him to fall back into error. This is adharma. Actions based only on faith lead a person away from true religiosity. Faith that is not rooted in the understanding of the laws of being is blind. And such blind faith is the most common cause of loss of energy on this plane. Faith in harmony with the laws of existence is sudharma; just faith is adharma.