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Plan 34. Plan of taste (rasa-loka)

Whereas in the lower chakras the sense of taste was primarily a form of sensory perception, in the fourth chakra it is refined into the sense of taste in an aesthetic sense. A person who enters this plane penetrates into the world of ideas and meanings. This gives him direct, experiential knowledge of the essence of emotional experiences.

Rasa is love, pleasure, grace, amusement, taste, emotion, beauty, passion, spirit. It is poetic inspiration, the essence of poetry. Race is water in its purest form, the force that binds all creation together.

Up to the third chakra, taste in all meanings of the word is almost entirely directed towards the lower levels of activity. In the first chakra, taste is completely subordinated to the desire to make money. Foods that give a lot of strength (especially meat) and ready-made purchased food form the basis of the player's diet. It uses large amounts of salt and spices. In the second chakra, energy is directed towards sensuality. Here the player is interested in potency-enhancing foods such as eggs, fish, or ginseng. In the third chakra, he seeks the sensation of taste for its own sake, consuming all kinds of fine food. At the level of the heart, the sense of taste is purified. The player leaves salt and sweets in order to understand the true nature of the food he consumes. When a player enters the plane of taste, his taste in every sense of the word is refined. His preferences in food, in music, in communication are pleasant for everyone, regardless of their own level. He becomes a connoisseur and connoisseur of good taste, recognized by all. Thus, he attracts fans who want to come to such a state.