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Plan 51. Earth (prithivi)

The earth symbolizes the great mother principle. This is the stage on which consciousness plays its eternal game known as Leela. Here the player understands that the earth is not just soil, but Mother Earth. The player discovers new patterns and harmonies, new ways of playing, previously hidden from him in the fog created by involvement in the lower chakras.

Indian tradition, like modern science, speaks of the origin of the Earth from a hot ball of fire. What remained after the flame had finished its work became the Earth. The Earth is not only a planet, but a living organism, the Great Mother, who gave birth to everything that now exists on her chest. And just as a mother gives her milk to a child, so the earth gives food, vitality and energy to all living things.

Earth is the player's symbol for the sixth chakra. She is the result of a great asceticism. Her awe-inspiring birth in the fire allowed her to give birth to a great variety of forms and energy flows that filled her entire surface. She is patience and forbearance. Despite the fact that her children cut her body and burn her soul, she gives them diamonds, gold, platinum. She unselfishly follows the law of Dharma and makes no distinction between high and low. That is why the earth field is located in the sixth chakra. We see her body, the physical plane of the first chakra. What we cannot see is her spirit, her understanding, her generosity and kindness, her greatness. This is the understanding that comes to the player when he reaches the sixth chakra. In her play, he sees the interweaving of the sun, moon and neutral energies, which reflect the processes constantly taking place within his own microcosm.

Observing the inner reality reflected in the life of a great mother, the player penetrates the essence of Leela and becomes a Player. He has to bypass the plane of violence in order to master the principle of fluidity on the plane of fluids. But, as soon as these tests are passed, he will get a chance to establish a direct connection with the Cosmic Consciousness if he gets into the cell of spiritual devotion.

Thus, up to this point, the earth has nourished her child, the player, but now he can create his own game to move up or down, according to his karma. Sometimes during the course of the game, players rise several levels, experiencing states of compassion, wisdom, or true knowledge. These arrows lift them to higher planes. But if in reality (according to the level of vibrations) they do not belong to these plans, there are no guarantees that they will reach the Cosmic Consciousness. One way or another, they must move on, and the game gives them a snake leading from the tamoguna square (field 72) to the earth plane, where they can make a new effort. Each time a player ascends to the higher planes but fails to achieve Cosmic Consciousness, they must return home to their Mother Earth.

And the better the player gets to know the earth, the deeper he can appreciate the elusive balance that maintains life on its surface. For a person of the first chakra, she is just a chest from which one can take whatever he pleases, without thinking about the consequences. The sixth chakra person realizes the fatality of such an attitude when he sees that the planet he loves is facing great danger and may suffer irreparable damage.