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Plan 20. Charity (dana)

Karmas-actions leading to an elevation of the level of vibrations are known as virtues; those that reduce the frequency of vibrations are like vices. Charity is a human virtue that exists at the level of the third chakra. It lifts the player above the problems of this level, and he moves one step up to the plane of balance located at the level of the heart chakra.

This virtue is one of the manifestations of the Divine principle in man, the essence of his consciousness. Entering this field, the player identifies himself with the Divine, present in everything, and performs actions aimed at the benefit of others, without expecting any benefit for himself.

These actions fill the player with the joy that accompanies the rise of energies to higher levels. That is why all religions known to mankind have always pointed out the exceptional importance of such actions and included them in their rituals. The reality of other people's needs and the desire to share are two factors that come into play at this level of the game.

Charity satisfies a developing ego and frees the player from the shackles of the third chakra. Charity is one of the most important milestones in the passage of the plane of karma. This is the force that motivates one of the most exalted directions of human activity in society, which is a combination of compassion with the propensity to organize characteristic of the third chakra.