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Plan 21. Atonement (Samana Papa)

Rising from the spheres of influence of material and sensual impulses, the player realizes that in the process of satisfying these desires, he could harm others. In pursuit of satisfaction, he acted blindly, without thinking about the consequences. Entering the realm of redemption, he sees that he followed an unrighteous path and, resorting to unrighteous means, created unfavorable vibrations within himself, which now prevent the achievement of inner peace.

In search of lost balance, the player comes to repentance and tries to correct his mistakes. This is a time of great emotional confusion. The player experiences an acute and oppressive desire to cleanse his negative karma, to free himself from vices. Redemption is also necessary for those who, having risen to the level of the third chakra, have not yet freed themselves from the influence of the second. Such a player feels guilty about not being able to adjust to a higher level of vibration.

In both cases, repentance produces positive results and establishes an upward current of energy. The player atones for his mistakes by following the law of Dharma, which is the true nature of all things and phenomena. Atonement tunes in to this all-encompassing law, which is represented on the game board by the next cell.